This short course (comprising two parts) is a must for church leaders and administrators and for anyone involved in any kind of Christian ministry.
The first part highlights the importance of fulfilling the Great Commission using digital opportunities presented.
The second part looks at the changing nature, challenges and key success factors for the 21st century Christian ministry.
The purpose of this short course is two-fold:
To bring to focus the growing need for creative problem-solving and to develop innovative solutions;
Propel you to embark on an intentional journey of social media ministry.
Course Curriculum
About Rexford Sam
Rexford Sam is a business strategist, LinkedIn networking coach, rebranding consultant, social media influencer, trainer, content creator, international best-selling author, and plenary speaker.
Over the last 8 years, Rexford has taught hundreds of brands how to exploit social media opportunities, enhancing valued experiences and growing their influence. In the aftermath of the pandemic, he has been helping businesses to reposition.
Rexford is CEO of MediaWorks Global, a UK-based global business that delivers value in social media, content marketing, and branding services, among others.
He was a celebrated visiting instructor in The Digital Economy at the University of California at Riverside for more than 8 years.
With over 20 years' consulting experience, his work has been carried out in UK, Europe, the US, Middle East, the Caribbean, and in West, East, and Southern Africa.
His passion is to bring out the best in people and to add value to organisations. He enjoys igniting dreams, fostering achievement, bringing significance, and creating brighter futures.
Thank You!
Thank you for the insightful information you shared with our leadership teams from our various branches.
Calvary Charismatic Baptist Church - UK
Thank You!
"Thank you once again for being such a blessing to us. Your presentations at our Pastors Conference (Group 2) was informative and insightful. The impact was huge. ..."
Rev. Priscilla Nketia, International Central Gospel Church, Ghana (for Daniel Institute)
Thank You!
We were truly blessed as you shared your message on ‘Social Media Footprint’ and the importance of having the right mindset and striving for excellence all round. We were particularly blessed as you shared how we can create valued experiences and opportunities.
Min. Bimbo Odunsi, Resident Minister, KICC ROMFORD